This picture was actually from his 3 month pics. I can't believe it's been a whole month since they were taken. Lots has been going on. Mom and dad were here for two weeks staying with J as I made my way back to work. It was SO NICE to have them here and to know J was in such good hands. It is definitely making the transition to daycare easier. They just left on Saturday. To say it was hard to say goodbye is the understatement of the year. I'm finding that having a baby makes EVERYTHING more emotional. The good news is that we'll be back in KC for his christening at the end of this month where he'll also get to see his other Grandpa and Grandma, so that will be exciting!
J had a great time with his Grandma and Grandpa Murphy. He decided to show off for them quite a bit, turning over from his back to his front their first week here and from his front to his back their second week. T and I missed both of these firsts, but were so happy mom and dad got to see it!
He had is 4 month appointment the first Friday mom and dad were here. The doctor gave him another clean bill of health. He weighs 15lbs, 11oz (70th percentile) and is 27inches long (97th percentile), so he's starting to thin out a bit. I think he's going to have his dad's build. He got some pretty painful shots, but was such a tough little guy.
Before mom and dad got here, we had two weekends in a row with great friends, so it was such a nice ending to my maternity leave.
Being back at work is going okay. It's been hard being away from James during the day, but it is nice seeing my co-workers and having some adult conversations : ). And, the drive home is so awesome. It is never quick enough, but getting in the car to go home immediately puts me in a good mood.
J has been smiling and giggling and cracking us up. He is so into his hands and feet and will study them with such great intent at long lengths. He is so vocal, constantly reminding his father and I that we are no longer in charge. To say the least, we are having a blast.
Well, I need to get to bed. Mornings are much earlier now!
Sending out lots of love,
M, T & J
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