Can you believe our little 9lb 2oz baby is now a 33lb little boy? Believe it! Just had his 2 year appointment yesterday and he's 90th percentile in weight and 97th percentile in height. Our appointment came after a week of family fun...my parents and grandma got in on James' bday and were here until Sunday. It was so, so special to have great grandma here and always fun for James to see grandma and grandpa outside of the computer. We packed in lots of good times including a little Thomas bday party and a trip to Legoland. James' Aunt Kelly and Uncle Erik got in Saturday night and were in town until Wednesday. It was so great to see them and celebrate with the Cardiff Jansen's. We can never get in enough cousin time. Looking forward to even more this weekend as we celebrate Easter together. Then, next weekend the celebration continues with Tom's bday.
As I mentioned, James is growing like a weed. Such a big boy and full of energy...loving his trains and cars and anything that resembles a tunnel. He's talking up a storm and repeating absolutely everything we say, which is scary to say the least, but so fun and at times seriously hilarious. He's also starting to sing more and more and loves it when we make up songs. His Aunt Ro Ro gave him a Puff the Magic Dragon book that we sing quite often now and he's starting to sing along. He sings along to the CD I play in the car, too. It's so cute! And, we've read every Thomas book about a hundred times, so he's starting to finish the sentences in those stories and other bedtime books, too. He's doing great at daycare and making some sweet friends (mostly girls). He loves being outside and running around our culdesac. He cannot wait to get in the pool, so we'll be doing the community swim "classes" this summer again.
Well, that's about it for our little curious Jansen! Hope this finds everyone happy and healthy.
Lots o love,
The Jansen's