Just 5-1/2 weeks left and the countdown is on! I must sound like a broken record, but I cannot believe how fast this has gone. Today we had our 34 week checkup and ultrasound and once again we're so happy and feel so blessed to report everything is going really well. It is such a relief to know that it's not just me that is growing :).
According to the technician and the doctor he is still growing 2 weeks ahead of schedule and based on his measurements, he's weighing in around 6 pounds! We are so looking forward to meeting this little chunky monkey that keeps kicking and karate chopping my insides. The ultrasound not only proved he is and will be a big baby, but he's got a good head of hair, too. You can actually see his little whisps in the pic above. Seriously, so incredible. We'll go back in two weeks for another appointment to see how much more he's grown and find out if we'll need to schedule an early induction. (!!!)
It was a big day today as some of our furniture also arrived. Our glider (thanks M&D!) and the crib are here and the dresser should get here the end of this week so we can spend the long weekend preparing a nice little bedroom for our baby boy to rest his head.
Thanks again for all the love and support. One of the best parts of this whole thing is thinking about introducing him to all of you. He will be so loved!
I'll check back in after our 36 week appointmet to give another update.
Lots of love,